Flash forward again- Scott Feemster, early 40's, divorced, in dire need of a mid-life crisis, starts spying these REALLY cool stripped down bikes that remind him of all of his old bikes.
Start doing a little research, find that the old bikes I really loved where based on British bikes from the 60's and 70's, start thinking about getting an old bike, then find out that Triumph is making the old models as modern bikes with modern brakes and suspension and bigger engines!
I tore off down to the dealer, spittle drooling out of the corner of my lips, and spied my beloved 2011 Bonneville T-100.
I asked the salesman, "Does it tear up the hills?"
"Does it do ok on the freeway?"
"If I need to pass a truck on the freeway, does it have some balls?"
"Just wait 'till you ride it!"